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Showing 6 results for Spirituality

Mohammad, Ebrahimi, Mohammad Sajjad, Sayadi, Fatemeh, Bagherian,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The purpose of this research was to study the role of spirituality in coping strategies and the mediating role of family communication in the relationship between the spiritually and copying strategies among the families. In order to examine the mediating role, 375 parents of the students in Kermanshah participated in the study. They were selected through multi cluster sampling method. Measurement tools of the study included Family Communication Scale (FCS), Sanctification of Marriage Scale, Sanctification of Parenting Scale, and Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES). To analyze the data, one way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and simultaneous regression analysis were used. Results showed that the families with high spirituality used the coping strategies including cognitive reframing, spiritual social support, and mobilizing the Family to acquire help more and the Passive Appraisal less than the families with low spirituality. Furthermore, through the mediating role of family communication, spirituality was directly or indirectly in relationship with the copying strategies. Finally, it can be conclude that through having appropriate communication and also through other effective factors the families with high spirituality can effectively cope with the internal and external family tensions.
Mohammad, Ahangarcani, Shahriar, Shahidi, Saman, Kamari,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between the family efficacy and the forgiveness in the family and the spirituality in male and female married individuals. A correlational method was employed and the following tools were used: The Family Assessment Device, The Family Forgiveness Scale and the Spiritual Strengths and Attitudes Scale. The sample included 200 individuals who were chosen on the basis of the availability in the City of Tehran. Results of the statistical analyses showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the scores on the FAD and forgiveness in the family and spirituality, so that subscales of the FAD such as "overall family", "family roles" and"emotional involvement” accounted for the largest amount of variance in predicting the forgiveness and the overall score on FAD significantly predicted spirituality. It is concluded that forgiveness and spirituality as two important psychological constructs correlate significantly with the efficacy in the family.
Ali Akbar, Pirasteh Motlagh, Zahra, Nikmanesh, Tayebeh, Akbari Ali Abad,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The purpose of this study is investigating on the role of spirituality and awareness and attitude towards disease in the feeling of suffering in patients with AIDS/HIV. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 43 patients had selected of all patients with AIDS/HIV in cities of Zahedan, Iranshahr and Saravan in Sistan&Baluchestan province, by available sampling. The variables were measured by using the Spirituality Questionnaire and Scale of Experience and Perception of Suffering and Questionnaire Awareness and Attitudes towards Disease. Data were analyzed by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression. Results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between physical suffering and attitudes towards disease. Psychological suffering has a negative significant relationship with spirituality and has a positive significant with attitude towards disease. Spiritual/existential suffering has a positive significant relationship with spirituality, and a negative significant relationship with attitudes towards disease. The results of stepwise regression showed that psychological suffering is predicted by attitudes towards disease. Also self-awareness and attitudes towards disease is significant predictorfor spiritual/existential suffering. According to these results, it can be deduced that spirituality and attitudes towards disease have impact on feeling of suffering in patients with AIDS/HIV. Also spirituality and positive attitudes towards disease as coping styles can be used to reduce feelings of suffering in patients with AIDS/HIV.
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Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2015)

This study examined the relation between religious faith and gratitude variables with the severity of mental disorders symptoms. Participants were 300 students of Shiraz University who were selected via cluster random sampling method. Measures were Islamic – Iranian Gratitude, Religious Faith, and SCL-90 questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive and multiple regression methods. The results showed that almost all gratitude and faith subscales could predict the severity of all mental disorders subscales of the SCL-90. Faith and gratitude had a broad effect on interpersonal sensitivity and depression subscales. Internal gratitude predicted the severity of all mental disorders and among religious faith subscales, purposefulness, goodwill and self-control predicted the severity of some mental disorders symptoms greater and broader than other subscales. Religious faith and gratitude may be considered as general factors which are effective in reducing a wide range of mental disorders symptoms. Results indicate that if being religious causes inter­nal changes and develops internal gratitude, purposefulness, goodwill and self-control in an individual, it would prevent mental disorders.

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Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Family cohesion and adaptability is an emotional bind among family members and ability to change of power structure and role relationships in marital life. This study aimed to examine the relationship of marital intimacy and spirituality with family cohesion and adaptability. In this descriptive correlation study 234 married men and women that consisted of students and employees from Shahrood and Mayamey  cities completed marital intimacy, spiritual experience and family cohesion and adaptability scales. Data analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression method using SPSS-16. Results showed that openness (marital intimacy subscale), and god related effect (spirituality subscale), rolled in prediction of family cohesion, as well, intimacy problems (marital intimacy subscale), and sociospritual activities (spiritual subscale), rolled in prediction of family adaptability. It seems that people with high spirituality that experience intimacy relationships in marital lives, reported high family cohesion and adaptability.

Mehrdad Pourshahbazi, Mehdi Imani, Mehdi Reza Sarafraz,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (2-2018)

Spirituality and Practice of Religious Beliefs as related variables to psychological and physical well-being are able to explain most of positive consequences in chronic pain sufferers. The aim of this study was to determine predictor role of those variables in predicting pain experience acceptance in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. In this correlative descriptive study, 80 Rheumatoid arthritis patients were chosen by purposive non-random sampling method. They accomplished Spirituality Insight Appraisal Questionnaire, Practice of Religious Beliefs Inventory (MABAD), and Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire- Revised (CPQA-R). Data was analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression statistical tests. Spiritual ability (a spirituality component) had significant role in predicting Activity engagement (a pain acceptance component) (p<0/01). There was no relationship between practice of religious beliefs and pain acceptance considering result of this study, when Spirituality presented in behavior (spiritual ability) can play effective role in predicting pain experience acceptance in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. Spirituality only as an ideology cannot predict pain acceptance in Rheumatoid arthritis patients.

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