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Showing 26 results for Student

A Alahyari, M Heydari, M Melyani, N Hamid,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

The goal of this study was to survey the relation between the social support and depression in the martyred and non-martyred father high school girl students in Ahvaz, Iran. A sample of 175 girl students, 85 martyred father students and 90 non-martyred students, were selected to complete the social support and Beck depression questionnaire. For the analysis of the data t-test and correlation coefficient were used. The findings of the study indicated that there wasn’t a significant difference between the martyred and non-martyred father students in terms of social support however, the degree of martyred father students’ depression was significantly more in comparison with the non-martyred father students’ depression. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between the social support and depression in both groups: martyred and non-martyred father students
Mohsen Golparvar, Hamid Reza Oreizi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

This research was conducted with the purpose of studying the simple and interactive relationship between teacher well-being (Positive and negative affect and life and job satisfaction) with the belief in a just world and the student’s violence against teachers in Esfahan, Iran.   Population of the study included all male and female teachers, teaching in the high schools in Esfahan in spring 2008.A sample of 240 male and female teachers were selected through multi-stage random sampling. Research instruments were: a 47-item job satisfaction questionnaire, 20-item positive and negative affection scale ,5-item life satisfaction scale,4-item questionnaire on student’s violence against teachers and  7-item questionnaire on the belief in a just world . Data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the interaction between students’ violence against teachers and just world beliefs had not the predictive power for the prediction of positive affect, job and life satisfaction. But the interaction between students’ violence against teachers and just world belief had the predictive power for the prediction of negative affect. Posterior analysis also showed that only among teachers who were lower in just world beliefs , student’s violence against teachers has  the predictive power for the prediction of negative affect
Aliakbar Sheykhifini, Valiolah Ramezani, Javad Kavosian,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

This study aims at investigating risk and protective factors for substance use among the students studying in private university of Bandar Abas,Iran. Samples of   310 students were selected randomly. To collect the data,  Substance abuse questionnaire (Bolhari, Taromian and Peyravi, 1385), perceived  self-efficiency scale(Sheerer et al, 1982), life skills developmental scale (Darden and Ginter, 1996) and tendency scale(measuring students’ tendency to substance use) were used. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation, t-test, one way ANOVA and Regression. The results showed that tendency to substance use had significant negative correlation with religious attitude, self- esteem, positive attitude to the university, self-efficacy and social skills. Furthermore, tendency to substance had positive correlation with the parents’ positive view on drugs. Among the risk and protective factors, the three factors, social skills, religious attitudes and aggression, could anticipate 47% of variance of tendency to substance use. The average tendencies to substance use between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more among male and married students respectively. There is also no significant difference between age difference and tendency to substance use. possibility of tendency to drug using by almost %47 of variance.  The average tendencies to drug taking between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more from male and married students respectively. The age verity has no considerable difference in using drugs
Farzaneh Michaeli Manee,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2010)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between social adjustment and irrational beliefs among university students. The other aim was to examine mediatory role of coping with stress styles. For those purpose, 280 subjects (141 female and 139 male) were selected randomly from Urmia University students. Joneُs irrational beliefs test (IBT) (Zolfaghari Motlag, 1377), Endler and Parker coping styles inventory (Rodger, 1993) and Bell΄s adjustment scale ) Warbah, 20007) were used. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression. The findings revealed that irrational beliefs had negative relationship with student social adjustment and its components could predict adjustment (P<001). In addition, the analysis of regression showed that avoidance coping with stress style did play meditative role between irrational beliefs and social adjustment. According to the results, it  may be concluded irrational beliefs change will help better social adjustment.
Isaac Rahimian Boogar‎, Manijeh ‎ Firoozi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

components of Metacognitive beliefs. In a retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive design, 224 college students, 116 female and 108 male students, in Semnan University were selected through simple random sampling, and completed the Demographical Information Questionnaire, Mental Health Inventory (MHI-38), and Metacognitions Questionnaire(MCQ-30). The data were analyzed through correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. Results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between positive beliefs about worry, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, beliefs about the need in controlling the Thoughts, cognitive self-consciousness and psychological well-being. Furthermore, there was a significant positive relationship between the above mentioned variables and psychological distress. Beliefs about the need in controlling the thoughts, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, and cognitive self-consciousness are capable of predicting psychological well-being in college students they, in total, account for 32% of psychological well-being. Cognitive self-consciousness, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, and positive beliefs about worry are capable of predicting psychological distress in college students they, in total, account for 36% of psychological distress. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that positive beliefs about worry, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, beliefs about the need in controlling the thoughts, and cognitive self-consciousness are important factors in decreasing psychological well-being and in increasing psychological distress in college students.
Morteza Manteghi, Jahangir Rashidihor,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2012)

The goal of the present research was to provide an outline on the governing relations in the game nets. Primary interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect the data. 150 boys going to game nets were interviewed, and they were asked some questions concerning the ups and downs of the game nets. The questionnaire was developed based on the previous researches and literature concerning this subject following its facial validity was approved, and acceptability of the questionnaire’s Cronbach alpha was revealed after being conducted as a test, the researchers used the questionnaire in the study. This questionnaire was completed by 550 male high school students of three towns and cities of Tehran province all these students were the users of game nets. The results implied that there was an improper social atmosphere in game nets, and this problem should be removed or reformed through changing the managing and controlling system of the game nets.
Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Zahra Akhavi, Hadi Abdolmaleki,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2012)

Given the possible negative effects of virtual spaces including online chat rooms on teenagers, identification of predicting personality traits can be useful in drawing the attention to high risk groups and preventive measures. Therefore, this study was an attempt to identify the role of personality traits in internet friendships. In this descriptive, correlational research, 4000 Iranian high school students were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling, and were investigated by NEO personality traits inventory and internet and chat questionnaire. The results showed that the girls used chat rooms more than the boys did. Furthermore, there was a negative relationship between the degree of internet friendship, using chat rooms, and the personality traits neuroticism and agreement there was significant negative relationship between the degree of internet friendship and the personality traits extroversion, openness to experience and dutifulness. Given the significant relationship between the positive degree of chat and personality traits extroversion and openness to experience, it can be said that virtual communication like online chat rooms can make up for real communication.
Hossein Zare, Zahra Solgi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and depression, anxiety and stress in students through using descriptive correlational research method. To do so , throughrandom cluster sampling, 235 students(102 boys and 133 girls) of Payame Noor University with the average age of 23/31 and a standard deviation of  2/53 were selected and then completed cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) and depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21). Data was analyzed by using multivariate analysis of variance and correlation matrix. Results indicated a negative relationship between depression and positive refocusing, between planning and positive reappraisal. Moreover, there was a positive relationship between depression, anxiety, stress and all of the maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies (other blame, self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing and acceptance). Among the components of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, there was no significant difference between male and female students, except rumination. There was also no difference between male and female students in depression, anxiety and stress. Considering the above mentioned results, it seems that cognitive emotion regulation training focused on positive refocusing, planning and positive reappraisal is very essential to enhance the physical, mental and social health of students
Javad Ejei, Vahid Manzari Tavakoli, Sayed Rahman Hosseini, Vajihesadat Hashemizadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

This study investigated the effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy, group logo therapy and the combination of these methods in the increase of social adjustment in maladjustment students. The sample of the study included 60 maladjustment male students in the 2nd district of Rey city who were recognized maladjustment by adjustment inventory of high school students (AISS). Then, they were randomly divided into four groups. All the students completed the social adjustment scale, developed in the University of California, in the pre-test step. The first group underwent group cognitive behavioral therapy, the second group underwent group logo therapy, the third group underwent both group CBT and group logo therapy, and the fourth group (control group) received no intervention. Then, in the post-test step, California’s social adjustment scale was administered in four groups. Changes occurred in the four groups were compared through analysis of variance and post-hoc test. Results of the analysis of variance showed that social adjustment scores increased significantly in the post-test (P<0/001). Results of Tukey’s test indicated that the three treatment methods had an effect in increasing the students’ social adjustment, but the combination of group cognitive behavioral therapy and group logo therapy had better effect than the two separate treatment methods. As a whole, results of this study showed that the combination treatment could increase the social adjustment significantly.
H, Ghaedi Far, M. S, Abdkhodai, H. R, Aghamohammadian Sherbaf,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the moderator role of sense of coherence in the relationship between attachment style and self-regulation in students. The current study is of descriptive correlational design. The statistical population of this study was 1319 females of the second and third grade students of high school at Kazeroon in 1390-1391 academic year. 255 of them were chosen through relative stratified sampling. Adult attachment questionnair's hazan & shaver, Self-Regulation Questionnaire, Flensburg’s Sense of coherence scale, were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, one way analysis of variance, Multiple Regression analysis, and path analysis by SPSS 16 and Liseral softwares. The results showed a direct significant relationship between secure attachment style and self-regulation and sense of coherence. Final results showed a significant negative relationship between ambivalent attachment style and sense of coherence and self-regulation.
Sajjad Basharpoor,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

Given the importance of the self-compassion construct as a criterion for mental well-being, this research was conducted in order to investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of Self Compassion Scale. All students of Urmia Islamic Azad University in the academic 2010-2011 year were considered as the population of the study. Of this population, 220 students (99 males and 121 females) were selected randomly to participate in the study. The subjects responded individually to the self-compassion and beck depression questionnaires and big five personality scale at their classrooms. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test, independent t-test, and exploratory factor analysis. The results of the exploratory factor analysis revealed six factors with a value of higher than 1 that could were explain 63/47 % of the variance together. Indexes of the fitness of the confirmatory factor analysis model also confirmed six factor model of this scale. Results of the Pearson correlation showed negative relationship between the self-compassion, depression and personality traits, especially neuroticism. Alpha cronbach coefficients for the subscales and the total score of the scale were obtained in the range of 0/65 -0/92. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the self-compassion scale enjoyed a quite well validity and reliability to be used in university student populations.
Mohammad Mehadi Mazaheri, Gholam Reza, Manshaee, Rosa, Shahraki,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate the path analysis model of relations between Alexithymia, family function, and quality of life among high school students of Tehran. The research method was descriptive from causal non-experimental type. The research population included all students of Tehran and of this population 384 subjects were selected by simple cluster sampling method. To gather the data, Alexithymia Toronto Scale, Family Functions Questionnaire, and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale were used. The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using mean, standard deviation, multivariate regression, and path analysis. The results showed that family function and alexithymia could predict the students’ quality of life. Likewise, good fit indices in path analysis model showed that Alexithymia had a mediator role in the relationship between family function and quality of life. Therefore, it could be concluded that family function had a main role in generating the Alexithymia in students and that Alexithymia could be an important factor in decreasing the quality of life.
Elaheh, Enayati, Morteza, Omidian, Ahmad, Abedi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

This study aimed at investigating the effect of group emotional intelligence training on Training in junior Gifted Students’ Psychological Well-beingin the second area of Isfahan city. Research method is quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test design and follow-up testing with placebo and control group. Population of this study was the students of Imam Sadiq School in Isfahan who were admitted in this school based on specific measures including IQ and an entrance exam. A sample of 45 students was selected by simple random sampling. Then these subjects were put into three groups of fifteen: experimental group, placebo group and control group. In order to measure the main variables of the model, Baron’s emotional intelligence and Ryff’s psychological well-being were used. The pre-test was performed on the three groups and then the experimental group underwent eight 90-minute sessions. Following the intervention, the post-test was performed on the three groups and 2 months later the subjects were followed up. Then the data was analyzed by the analysis of covariance with repeated measures. Results of the covariance analysis with repeated measures showed that the emotional intelligence training could have an effect on increasing the psychological well-being and its components including self- acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, meaningful life and personal growth. It seems that introduction of courses with emotional intelligence contents in schools can be effective in mental health and psychological well-being of the students.
Narges, Parhizkar, Ali, Mashhadi, Javad, Salehi Fadardi, Mohammad Reza, Fayyzi Bordbar,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The aim of the current study was to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy based on executive functions in improving the executive functions in students with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This study was carried out in 2011-2012 academic year using pre­-­post- test design with a control group. Students of Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University who were previously diagnosed with ADHD or who were showing the symptoms of ADHD at the time of the study were invited to participate in this study. Primary diagnosis was based on the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale—IV (BAARS-IV) and final diagnosis of the disorder was done through psychiatric interview. Finally, 32 students were selected as the subjects of the study and were randomly divided into a control and an experimental group. The experimental group received EF based cognitive-behavioral group therapy. In addition to BAARS-IV all participants completed Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS) at pre­-­post-test assessments. Results of MANCOVA & ANCOVA tests showed that participants in the experimental group improved their executive functions including time management, planning, organization, self-motivation, and emotional self-regulation. Results of the study demonstrated that EF based cognitive-behavioral group therapy was effective in improving the executive functions in student with ADHD. Therefore, along with other treatments this treatment can be used as a modern approach for improving the executive functions of students with ADHD.
Mahdi Abdollah Zadeh Rafi, Maryam Hassanzade, Abbas Nesayan, Roghayaeh Assadi Gandomani,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Objective: The aim of this study was predicting behavioral disorders based on emotional abuse in the first high school students. Method:  Method of this study is descriptive-analytic method. Research community were included all first grade high school students in Jajarm city. 519 students were selected as sample through Census method. These students were completed adolescent self-reported questionnaire and emotional abuse questionnaire. To analyze data were used descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential methods (Pearson correlation and regression). Results: The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between behavioral disorders (total scores, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant and conduct disorder) and emotional abuse (total scores and its subscales) (05 / 0p <). Regression analysis showed that the variables of emotional abuse could predict behavioral disorders. Conclusion: The results showed that educational and family environment should be pay attention to this issue because there is a significant relationship between emotional abuse and behavioral disorder.

Ezatollah Ghadampour, Masumeh Shafiei, Hadees Heidarirad,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2017)

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship cyberbullying With psychological vulnerability and suicidal thoughts in female and male students. The method of the research was correlational. The population included the Lorestan University of medical sciences students in 2016-2017. Totally, 120 subjects were selected by the random stratified sampling method. All of them completed the questionnaires included demographic information, psychological vulnerability, suicidal thoughts and cyberbullying. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and Fisher Z with Assistance SPSS-20 software. Girls haD more suicidal thoughts than boys.The results showed that there is a significant difference between the two groups in the correlation between the general score and the subjective components of cyberbullying (bullying and victimization). There is also a significant difference between the two groups in the variables of willingness to commit suicide with the victim and the desire for suicide with bullying. it could be argued that cyber harassment increase psychological vulnerability which was activated suicidal thoughts in uiniversity students. Thus, cyberbullying would be considered as a new interpersonal factor which may have a role in suicide thought among university students.
Bita Arabnarmi, Hesam Ramezanzade,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2018)

This research focuses on attitude and practice of elementary Physical Education(PE) teachers in relation to obesity. The question is the messages, symbols, conversations and teacher-centered interpersonal behaviors; how does provide attitude to obesity? The impacts of reinforced discourse likely affect obese student’s desirable feelings about their bodies, intentions of short-term or long-term physical activities, definition of exercise in daily life and habits. The data were collected using observations on PE class and interviews. Analyzes were carried out by description of the concepts used in the discourse theory of Lacla and Moff (1985). Results showed that there are two approaches: creating “fear of obesity” and “health responsibility”. In both approaches, obesity is a priority and special consideration is given to obese students in the classroom. The major difference between these approaches is to create different perspectives to obesity, it means that attitude and practice by the teacher can be accompanied by a sense of personal responsibility with awareness and the other hand, it can be affected by an undesirable and humiliating feeling to obesity
Mansoureh Bahrami, Shahram Vahedi, Yousef Adib, Rahim Badri Gargari,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (8-2018)

The purpose of this study was to investigate effectiveness an antibullying parent management training on Student's Victimization and Cognitive Emotion Regulation. This research was semi-experimental design with pre test-post test design and control group. The statistical population of study was all primary schools city of Karaj in academic year of 96-97  and the statistical sample was one of schools in the 12th district of Karaj was selected by random cluster sampling. Then 36 victim students of the fourth and fifth level were selected using California's bully-victimization questionnaire and Granofsky's cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups of 18 Parents of the experimental group underwent parent management training in 9 sessions of 90 minutes(one session per week). Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 and analysis of covariance. The findings of the study showed that parent management training had a significant effect on reducing the victimization and improving the emotion regulation of students. This study showed the effectiveness of parent management training on reduceing victimization and improve cognitive emotion regulation in students.

Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh, Nader Mansurkiaie, Alimohammad Zanganeh, Mojtaba Mahdavi, Shirin Osanloo, Mohsen Jallalat-Danesh, Siamak Tahmasbi Garmtani, Seyyed Eynollah Teymourifard,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Adolescents’ mental health is important in any society and protecting their mental health help them to be mentally and physically healthy adult who can play their social role as they should. The present study aimed to develop a self-report scale for high school student’s mental health. A pool item of 200 items was developed and after the first edition, 119 items were selected for preliminary scale. The target population of the present study was high school students of Alborz, Kermanshah, Eastern Azerbaijan, Sistan & Baluchestan, Fars, and Khorasan Razavi in 2016-17. The sample includes 642 students who were selected by random sampling. Explanatory Factor analysis with varimax rotation indicated six-factor structure as the simplest factorial solution which consisted with theoretical background. In addition, all the subscale had good reliability which ranged between 0.63 (for disruptive behavior) to 0.85 (for academic achievement deficit, self-regulation, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and self-harm). In general, results showed good psychometric properties for this mental health scale among high school students. This scale could be used for assessing behavioral and emotional problems for clinical, or research aims among adolescents in Iran.

Mohammad Saeed Azami, Farhad Taremian,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Cyberbullying is defined as a willful and repeated harm, inflicted through computer, cell phones and other electronic devices. In this article, the prevalence of cyberbullying and demographic characteristic of the people who were involved in this phenomenon, has been studied. 425 boys and girls in Kermanshah’s high school had been selected using randomized cluster procedure. The prevalence of cyberbullying was 7.7 percent, cybervictimization was 10.9 percent, and cyberbully-victim was 31.4 percent and 50.0 percent of the students weren’t involved. The result of demographic characteristics showed that more than half of boys and less than half of girls were involved in cyberbullying. Students who were involved in cyberbullying, had weaker religious beliefs in family and reported worse parent-child relationships. They also had more daily internet use and using social network is what they do the most on the internet. Results of other demographic characteristic is shown in their own tables. The prevalence of cyberbullying and cybervictimization is aligned with other countries but cyberbully-victims’ rates are higher. Results of some of the demographic characteristics showed pretty interesting differences that must be considered in future studies.

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