Volume 10, Issue 38 (winter 2022 2022)                   serd 2022, 10(38): 91-116 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahmani Andabili S. Economic analysis of utilization of production capacities and programs of Tat organization in rural areas. serd 2022; 10 (38) :91-116
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3769-en.html
Research Assistant of Tat et al , s.rahmani62@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3365 Views)
It also has a significant position in GDP, employment and non-oil exports. So that 10% of the value of GDP, 18.9% of employment and 32% of the value added of business belong to this sector. Most importantly, up to 23% of the country's population lives in rural and nomadic areas
The main mission of Tat Iran Organization is to conduct research, education and promotion in various fields of agriculture and natural resources with the aim of improving the level of productivity, agricultural economy and rural development, which has six main tasks of research, education, promotion, registration and certification. Seeds and seedlings, genetic resource management and production of technological products are defined. Since the structure of Tat organization in the country is governmental and national research institutes as well as research and educational centers affiliated to this organization in the provinces and rural areas are consequently completely governmental, so the dependence of budget and credits The organization relies heavily on government funding to fund research projects. The aim of this study was to investigate the areas of development of economic activity and investment capacity and economic exploitation of production facilities in the areas covered by the centers and institutions affiliated to the organization.

Research Methods
The research method in this study is descriptive and survey which has been done using cost-benefit analysis method and project financial indicators for each project in the valley center and its average for each center. It is one of the most efficient techniques in financial and economic decisions. Among the indicators used are: return on capital - rate of return on capital - production (activity) at the breaking point.
In this study, by reviewing and analyzing the quantity and quality of the current situation (actual capacity) and potential capacity of centers, in developing economic and income-generating activities while maintaining the dominance of agricultural research and education, in the form of economic projects applicable in the following stations Covering and taking into account the requirements and requirements of the executive, and determining the income gap, in terms of revenue-generating actions and activities, prioritization indicators based on available statistics and information and the opinions of managers and experts in the framework The technique was used to determine the activities that can be developed and invested. For economic analysis of each of the designated economic projects and activities, economic and financial indicators were estimated. These indicators have been comparatively studied in each center between the proposed projects and also between the studied centers.

Discussion and conclusion
Stations and farms under the auspices of the organization's affiliated research centers in the provinces have the appropriate capacity to design, plan and implement economic activities in the form of defined and developed economic projects. In the 12 research centers surveyed, there is a capacity to implement over 70 economic projects with appropriate economic returns, which can double the economic income of provincial research centers. In general, about 50% of the economic capacity of agricultural and rural areas is used under the auspices of agricultural research and education centers and natural resources of the studied provinces. For the other 50 percent capacity, which is already in place, economic targeting and planning is required. This is presented in the form of proposed revenue-generating projects, whose average return on investment is estimated at 91% with a useful life of 8.5 years.
In order to implement the programs in the form of economic projects at the level of the organization's affiliated centers, the required funding is the basic need of these projects. Since it is not possible to invest by the government, it is necessary to use the participation and investment of the private sector. Achieving this also needs to be accelerated and facilitated. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out the necessary studies from the legal, financial and administrative aspects, and the required regulations should be issued and communicated in the form of by-laws and implementation instructions.
The results of the study show that it is less used in large research centers with economic activity capacities, in other words, the distance between the actual and potential situation is greater. Therefore, there is a greater need and priority to develop a comprehensive economic development plan with the participation of the private sector. In this study, the general economic development plan for each of the studied centers was compiled in the form of a document.
Keywords: Rural Planning, Targeted Exploitation, Economic Capacity, Rural Economy, Tat Organization
Villages and rural settlements can provide a good platform for agricultural, livestock, industrial and service products, environmental protection and border protection, so drawing and implementing a roadmap that can play the role of villages and villagers in the country's planning system. Determine, it is doubly important. Therefore, strengthening the productive capacity of villagers and farmers in economic planning is of great importance and necessity.
Agriculture and natural resources and rural development are among the important economic and social sectors that play a major role in the development of the country in terms of food security and employment. According to statistics announced by the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture, the production of agricultural products in 1398, amounted to 118 million tons, which (about 25 to 30 percent of waste) provides about 88 percent of the food needed by society. Slowly
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/03/7 | Accepted: 2022/03/1

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