Volume 13, Issue 49 (11-2024)                   serd 2024, 13(49): 139-163 | Back to browse issues page

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Seyfi V, Khosroabadi S. Designing a sustainable rural livelihood model based on the rural ecosystem. serd 2024; 13 (49) : 8
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3960-en.html
1- Imam Sadiq University , vahidseyfi15@yahoo.com
2- Imam Sadiq University
Abstract:   (2049 Views)
Objective: To sustain rural communities and enhance their economic and social vitality, their connections with urban centers and their position within the broader national framework must be preserved. Villages should adopt localized models to ensure their resilience. Unfortunately, a comprehensive model for sustainable rural livelihoods at the national and provincial levels is lacking, often leading to a uniform approach that overlooks regional specificities. This study aims to explore the revitalization of villages and the creation of sustainable livelihoods through biomass entrepreneurship. A biomass village is defined as a region where a comprehensive biomass utilization system is established and collaboratively managed by stakeholders in the area.
Methods: This research employed the meta-combination method to analyze a total of 120 articles and related studies sourced from the CIVILICA citation index (1380–1401). After applying inclusion criteria, 63 articles were selected for in-depth analysis. The study adopts a qualitative approach within the interpretive paradigm to explore a sustainable rural livelihood model grounded in the rural ecosystem. The research is practical, focusing on actionable insights for designing sustainable rural livelihoods.
Results: Key components identified for designing a sustainable rural livelihood model include: 1. Food Security and Nutrition: Ensuring rural food security and addressing malnutrition; 2. Human Capital Development: Increasing workforce productivity through higher literacy levels; 3. Tourism and Markets: Promoting sustainable tourism development and strengthening local markets and bazaars; 4. Infrastructure Investment: Investing in rural development infrastructure to support livelihoods.
Conclusions: The study synthesized findings from prior research conducted across various rural regions in the country to develop a model for sustainable rural livelihoods. The proposed model focuses on three primary axes:
  1. Rural Consumption Patterns: Encouraging sustainable consumption practices within rural households.
  2. Rural Poverty Reduction: Addressing poverty through targeted interventions and resource allocation.
  3. Household Livelihoods: Enhancing the economic resilience of rural households through diversified income sources.
By integrating these elements, the proposed model provides a comprehensive framework for revitalizing rural areas and fostering sustainable livelihoods. The findings underscore the importance of adopting localized, ecosystem-based approaches tailored to the unique needs of rural communities.
Article number: 8
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/10/15 | Accepted: 2023/11/23

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